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A Plan For Care

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Individualized Plan For Care

We Provide Care

We involve you, your caregiver or designee, key professionals and other staff members in developing your individualized plan for care, treatment and services. Your plan is based upon identified problems, needs and goals, physician orders for medications, care, treatments and services, time frames, your environment and your personal wishes whenever possible. The plan is designed to increase your ability to care for yourself. Effective pain management is an important part of your treatment.


The plan may include the following interventions and goals:


• Nursing Care
• Medication Management
• Community Resources
• Personal Care
• Rehabilitation Therapy
• Discharge Planning


The plan is reviewed and updated as needed, based on your changing needs. We encourage you, your caregiver or your designee to participate in the planning and revising of your plan of care.

Classic Home Care -
For Everyone

Having a recovery program at home can provide much more flexibility and also mean
that the patient does not have to spend weeks or months in hospitals.

Discharge, Transfer, & Referral

We Provide Care

Classic Home Health Services prides ourselves on the highest quality care for you.


Discharge, transfer or referral from this agency may result from several types of situations including some of the following:


• Treatment goals are acheived
• Agency resources are no longer adequate to meet your needs
• The level of care you need changes


For more information please refer to Patient Handbook.


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